2024 5th International Conference on Information Science and Education (ICISE-IE 2024)




Prof. Ming Luo

School of Software, Nanchang University, China

Profile: Outstanding Young Talents of the Province, Millions of Talents of the Province, and Deputy Director of the Provincial Key Laboratory. As the first host, responsible for two National Natural Science Foundation projects, eleven provincial-level vertical projects, and multiple horizontal projects. Published over forty papers, including more than twenty indexed papers in SCI journals, five authorized patents, and eight software copyrights. Received multiple awards at or above the provincial level, including the second prize of the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize of the Provincial Teaching Achievement Award, the excellent paper of the International Conference, and the excellent guidance teacher of the National Information Security Competition.

Speech Title: Keyword searchable signcryption technology and its application in cloud storage

Abstract: In today's digital era, the widespread adoption of cloud storage technology has brought considerable convenience. However, a conflict arose between the spotlight on data privacy concerns and users' robust demand for cloud data control. The application of keyword searchable signcryption technology presents an innovative approach to resolving this inherent contradiction. By balancing data encryption, identity authentication and search functionalities, it not only safeguards data privacy but also achieves efficient search capabilities. A new solution focuses on multi-user scenarios in heterogeneous environments, aiming to provide more flexible, secure, and convenient keyword searchable signcryption solution for cloud storage.

Prof. Binrong Dai

Yancheng Teachers University, China

Biography: Binrong Dai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yancheng Teachers University, Second level Professor and Doctoral, expert enjoying special government allowances from the State Council, concurrently serves as a doctoral supervisor at Nanjing University and Nanjing Normal University, as well as a master's supervisor at Tianjin Normal University, Qinghai Normal University, and China University of Mining and Technology. Academic leader of the "Blue Project" in universities in Jiangsu Province, scientific and technological leader of the "333 Project" in Jiangsu Province, and young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Jiangsu Province. Long term focus on research on the development of Jiangsu coastal areas and higher education managementThe research results have won a total of 6 provincial teaching and research awards.

Speech Title: Fully promote high-quality development in the coastal areas of Jiangsu Province



Prof. Chaojun Xu

Dean of college, Lingnan Normal University, China

Biography: Chaojun Xu, Ph.D. in Economics, Professor, Dean of the School of Business at Lingnan Normal University, Leader of the Department of Business Administration, and Head of the Provincial First Class Professional Construction Site for International Economics and Trade. Long term attention has been paid to issues such as the development of the Beibu Gulf region and urbanization in China. I have led multiple projects, including the National Self Science Fund, the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences General Project, and the Guangdong Province Self Science Project. I have published nearly 60 academic papers in journals such as Geography Research, Statistical Research, Economist, and Economic Geography, and have published two monographs. Received second prize for provincial teaching achievements and multiple awards for municipal scientific research achievements.

Speech Title: Evolution of specialization and competition in the Beibu Gulf urban agglomeration region

Prof. Yangle Chen

School of Tourism, Hainan University, China

Biography: Yangle Chen, Doctor of Science, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the School of Tourism at Hainan University, Responsible Professor of Tourism Management Undergraduate Program at Hainan University, National First Class Undergraduate Program Leader in Tourism Management, and Vice President of the Island Tourism Branch of the China Pacific Society. Hosted one sub project of a major national social science project, two general projects, and more than 10 other provincial and ministerial level projects. Published over 60 papers and 10 monographs and textbooks in core journals such as Economic Geography, Human Geography, and Population and Economics. Received 1 second prize and 1 third prize respectively for outstanding achievements in social sciences in Hainan Province, and 1 third prize and 1 excellent award respectively for outstanding achievements in national population science.

Speech Title: Tourism Development Conception of the Nansha Islands



Prof. Heyong Wang

IEEE Member, Department of E-commerce, South China University of Technology, China

Research Area:Data Mining, Big data Mining, Business Intelligence,Text Mining,Cross-Border Electronic Commerce

Profile: Wang Heyong is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of E-commerce at South China University of Technology. He graduated with a doctoral degree from the Software Research Institute of Sun Yat sen University in 2006 and is a visiting scholar at the School of Computer and Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Miami in the United States. Deputy Director of Guangdong E-commerce Education Guidance Committee, National Social Science Foundation Review Expert, National Natural Science Foundation Review Expert. Hosted more than 15 national and provincial level research projects, published more than 70 papers in domestic and foreign academic journals such as Computer Research and Development, Applied Soft Computing, Information Process&Management, Knowledge and Information Systems, Information Technology&Management, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, and published 3 textbooks/monographs; Long term commitment to the theory, application, and e-commerce research of intelligent models.

A. Prof. Yunzhi Jiang 

IEEE Member, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, China

Research Area: Computational Intelligence, Image Segmentation, Smart Learning

Brief:Jiang Yunzhi, PhD, Associate professor, master supervisor, received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 2012. He studied in University of Technology Sydney, Australia and University of Alberta, Canada. He was invited to visit Tsinghua University in Taiwan as a senior visiting scholar. His research interests include Computational Intelligence, Image Segmentation, Data Mining, Neural Networks, Manifold Learning, Smart Learning, etc. IEEE Member, Member of China Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. He presided over one project of National Natural Science Foundation (youth), one project of Guangdong Provincial Education Department and one project of Overseas Master Project of Guangdong Province, and participated in many research projects of National Natural Science Foundation and Natural Science Foundation projects of Guangdong Province and Jiangxi Province. He has published more than 30 papers in international high quality academic journals and conferences, such as Journal of Computer Science, Journal of Computer-aided Design and Graphics, SCI Q1, SCI Q2.

Speech Title: Research on image segmentation based on intelligent optimization algorithm

Abstract:Image segmentation is one of the important means to realize image enhancement, image compression and target recognition. Threshold segmentation is efficient, stable and easy to implement. The threshold segmentation method can greatly compress the amount of image data, and can effectively extract some components in the image and remove the background information of the complex natural scene image. However, many segmentation algorithms are effective for single-threshold segmentation, but for multi-threshold segmentation, there will be large search space and high computational complexity. Firstly, the basic knowledge of image segmentation is introduced, then the development of intelligent Optimization algorithm is given, and then the design idea of Simplified Swarm Optimization is presented, and various updating mechanisms of population are shown. Mixed strategy with other intelligent algorithms and traditional algorithms is presented, image threshold segmentation technology and improved strategies based on Simplified Swarm Optimization are presented; Finally, some application cases are introduced.



A. Prof. Hongyuan Zhang

Jiangsu Ocean University, China

Biography: Hongyuan Zhang, Ph.D. of Nanjing University Business School, associate professor of Jiangsu Ocean University Business School, director of the Integrated Management Office of the Institute of Marine Economics, tutor of international business master students, tutor of public management master students, member of the Marine Economy Branch of the Chinese Oceanographic Society, specially invited researcher of Jiangsu Marine Economy Research Center, member of Lianyungang CPPCC, vice chairman of Lianyungang "the Belt and Road" Development Research Association, was selected into the Young Talents Program of Jiangsu Science and Technology Think Tank, and the second high-level talent cultivation of Lianyungang "521". I have been engaged in research on industrial development and strategic planning, marine economy and innovation management for a long time.

Speech Title: Research on Strategies for High Level Construction of "Blue Granary" in Jiangsu Province under the Perspective of Big Food Observation